Caring for Cats

Cat Care & Cat Advice
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Sparkle Cat Sitting Holiday List
January 10, 2024
Martin Luther King Day Saturday, January 18th – Shadow Holiday +$10Sunday, January 19th – Shadow Holiday +$10Monday, January 20th –

Plants & flowers that are toxic to cats
May 24, 2023
Cats are known for their curiosity and love of exploration. However, this trait can sometimes lead them to trouble, especially when

Caring for a Cat during Heat Waves
May 16, 2023
San Francisco summers can get pretty hot, and while we may enjoy spending time outside under the sun, our furry

The Ultimate Guide to Cats with Dry Skin: Remedies and Tips
February 24, 2023
Cats are known for their soft and silky fur, but what happens when your feline friend develops dry, itchy skin?

What’s Killing California’s Sea Otters? Cats. House Cats.
February 15, 2023
Caused by a common parasite that infects many animals, toxoplasmosis is a serious concern for the health of threatened species
Signs Your Cat Might Be In Pain
February 15, 2023
What are some things to look out for if you are wondering if cat is hurting? First and foremost, look for